Embodied Practice for Sustainability
Let’s learn from Our Own Biological Blueprint & Support mental Health & wellbeing
Living processes are sustainability blueprints. We humans are earth dwellers. Entwined in this time and this place, we are formed and held within the biosphere of earth by gravitational and centrifugal forces. We are of the earth and like all life on this planet, we are an arrangement of self-organised, generative and adaptable cells. Cells that are innately creative and inherently intelligent. As a living creative process in motion, our trillions of cells know what to do – in fact they are the first to know.
As an integrated creative process, life on this planet is under threat. It is imperative that we re-integrate into our environments so that we can recalibrate our impact. This is critical for sustaining the life of this planet. Paradoxically the less we focus on humans as the centre of all things, the more humane we become.
From the edges where you meet the world, to the deep folds of your interior tissue, your cells register what’s going on. There are limited opportunities to listen to and work with this kind of knowing. By attuning to your embodied intelligence you are better able to support and take care of essential creative living & day-to-day sustainability which has undeniable resounding impact on the world around you. Embodied practice can help you to rebuild essential connections to self, others and environments.
Benefits of An embodied practice include:
Mobility & flexibility for physical wellbeing
Stress & anxiety management for mental wellbeing
Body awareness & sensory modulation for personal sustainability
Finding your voice to speak your truth
Mindful living through building community connections